Snake score showing on the profilecould even have an like arcadey end game screen instead of whats there right now, have a leaderboard with maybe global, friends/following, personal bests (as currently highscores are only locally tracked i believe)
Live @ Cove city release?Would be cool to do a special edition CD/DVD set or a USB with it as a full film and an album. Id happily pay like £20-£25 for that especially if it was a unique USB.
snake scores@iamdvlan My highest score with the Akai. I think I need to go and feel the warm embrace of grass after that. Maybe a physical keyboard is easier...
snake scoresSo I know I'm not going to win but, I thought id see if you're willing to accept a sub category.
Highest score with an Akai MPK Mini... (I can't lie this took way too long to figure out how to do this but i did it for some reason).
Currently my high score is 60, I did have both hands on the keyboard unlike this atrocious video I took of me playing:
No Gildan tees please -
Snake IntegrityTHIS, first thing I thought is someone is gonna just get a software to play for them or inspect element
When I met Jon in 2017 when he came over to do his first London show!Back when I met Jon in 2017, I remember he was doing an interview with BuildLDN (part of the interview: https://youtu.be/oHFZVDv4-gU?si=OSDj1FBT14TapVdz).
I don't live in London but got an invite to this whilst I was in a mandatory maths revision type thing and basically said, alright I need to go and I instantly hopped on a train with no second thoughts and went to London and made it just in time as he was coming out. Jon was absolutely baffled when I said to him "write whatever you want and I'll get it tattooed" (photos in linked tweet bc idk how to add photos on mobile lmao) and he was even more baffled when I tore some paper off of the above mentioned maths work.
I just wanted to say though, at that point I was 17, had been to a total of 2 concerts and Jon was the first artist I fell in love with sonically and made me able to do something ABSOLUTELY terrifying... I'm so grateful that at 24 I'm still here, a little less terrified and still SO excited for new music. So thanks for that JB!
- Dylan
UK Showfr, i have a really cool concept for a tour which would suit Jon so much and give more people a chance to see him
Pinned Postsyeah, giving Jon's account some official tag would be good because all it takes is someone making an account but changing one number and problems could be caused.
UK ShowHi Jon, missed you and your music alot and just wanted to let you know that I'd gladly help put on some shows in the UK.
You were the guy who made me fall in love with music and ultimately go on to manage shows and I've never done it for money and always just wanted to put on some badass shows and make a positive space in the music industry (f**k liv*nation/tm). I met you in 2017 and you wrote out "faith" for me to get tattooed and it's been on my arm since I turned 18 (2018).
Idk if you can dm/email on here but you can email me at loserhrs@gmail.com if you wanna get something sorted, same goes for any other artists in this forum. Whether its 90cap or more idm!!