“IF I WAS PRESIDENT, it would cost three million dollars to validate your opinion and people would shut the f*** up and Twitter go out of business”
Postpartum Depression
“IF I WAS PRESIDENT, it would cost three million dollars to validate your opinion and people would shut the f*** up and Twitter go out of business”
Postpartum Depression
@User12261990 hey Jon! I’m currently listening to Shame by Andy Mineo and I’m reminded that you worked on that song with Chad Gardner (at least he is listed as a writer). I’m really curious how that song came to be produced with 4 amazing artists consisting of you, Chad, Andy, and Josh. Could you shed some light on that process?
Side bar, I started listening to you back in 2015 because of your feature on Rat Race by Andy; his album Uncomfortable is one of my fav albums of all time. Thanks for the influence!!
Oh they are such good bits!! I have never been able to find more. That TORI album some something else
@Checkitoutbrian I have not! Definitely want to tho!
@walesTOP Jon said a few weeks ago that all the artists on the album are ones he has never worked with before. So, that makes me think no B Keys or Travis...
So i listened to Tori Kelly’s album way too much and, after all my listens, i think that “cut” is my favorite song has done for someone else. Very unpopular opinion probably but that song goes crazy. TBH, there are like 5 songs from that album that have been my favorite at some point lol
@Mannyphresh116 i might die if that happens
@JunaErickson Wake Me Up goes crazy. Baptized In Fear/Open Hearts is awesome, and then really every song from Niagara Falls to the end of the album. But honestly, a no skip album for me.
Another thing I love about the album is all the transitions between songs. The production value is off the charts good
@Dande I’m stoked for all the collabs and how I really think his sound is going to be so new to us that it’s refreshing!