Yes, that one hit hard for me. I've had 2 grandparents with dementia in my family so it was a topic that was close to home. This was my comment on the video when it first came out: "I originally thought that it would have been better if the song had cut after the first act, but I think the next section where it switches from somber to joyful is supposed to represent the entry into Heaven as his grandma passes into glory. That links in with the line elsewhere in the album (adult swim?) where it says "welcome to glory sound prep", and hearing it for the first time, I thought that the line was going to just end as "welcome to glory" aka Heaven. If that is the idea for the middle part of this song, then it makes sense for the triumphant horns to be present, as he imagines his grandma in Heaven where she has overcome her struggles and she is restored. Still trying to figure out the last part, but it may be focusing again back on Earth with those left behind after her death. They are dealing with the pain of her loss, but are glad that she has been released from her illness; they are working through their grief, and are hopeful for the future. The conclusion is wistful and poignant, like someone who has gone through a trial and is still tender but is moving forward."