@esmitty Woah this is so beautiful -- i really love the placement! What a meaningful tattoo

BM tattoo! -
Only 20 upvotes per day is a bit limiting@carolynashley hahah same
MORE UPVOTESi'm here to 2nd this ^^^ hahah
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@miso hey good taste shorty
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@Kyjunno Man, I feel that. Jon’s music really has a way of hitting right when you need it most. It’s wild how a song (espeically his) can stop you in your tracks and make you sit with your thoughts for a while. You’re not alone in feeling lost—life’s a weird, unpredictable ride, but music like his reminds me we’re not the only ones figuring it out. Hope you find some clarity soon, and i know that you will!!! & hopefully a new song that gives you what you need in the moment from JB6. Sending good vibes your way.
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@JayEl okay these were honestly like my close 2nd picks all the way through
KID AGAIN Hoodiespectacular gemme 14 of them right now
ANY UPDATE ON THE ANIMATED SERIES??you just unlocked a memory, i forgot he talked about that!
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@jacquelintrovert PREOCCUPIED!!!! great choice omg
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@Kyjunno i love your picks -- Jon replied to one of my eariler threads saying
wrote about 4 hours ago
last edited by
"Lyrically I’ve been a wreck writing most of this coming album, in sick way I’m excited for people to get wrecked hahahaha"So lets get ready to cry during this album drop most likely!
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@JunaErickson BAHAHAHAH I know i hated doing it bc actually choosing ONE felt impossible -- but wait i .. also love ur picks
HIATUS DAYS@catkeleghan i actually laughed out loud reading ur comment
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@Jetpack i almost picked superman !!! it's so fricken good
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@Zeonder damn i really like your picks!!!
Game of Numbers until User12261990 replies00000023
I KNOW ITS HARD - fav song from each album???????@BaileyBri i hate that i ran out of those up's - cuz id up this haha
-- i also thought something was coming then
Do you think Jon's overwhelmed with the response to this Forum?hehehe i had the same thought. I feel a little bad for being so active but I CANT put this down, it's so fun
post your cats! i'll start <3@Zeonder woah such a cutie
post your cats! i'll start <3My babe Zel (or zelly) named after Zeldris from 7 deadly sins