@notsobasic My grandpa passed away from dementia years ago and one of my closest friends (the one who originally showed me JB) his dad passed away from the same thing. This song has always resonated with us. I could write forever about this song! Here’s my own thoughts on it; the beginning is somber. Seems sad when you hear the lines he’s saying. It paints a picture of what it’s like when someone in your family goes through this. “There’s a point in making memories because they’ll be even better when we’re heavenly” hits extremely hard. While I think the first part of the song is somber and sad, the ending has the exact opposite feeling. It turns into CELEBRATING mothers, and anybody else who’s affected by this disease. At the end, when all the cords are suspended and every person starts playing. It’s a celebration of all the things they were before they were sick. To me, it’s al says been an unbelievably powerful song that I think more people could listen to and appreciate. I could go on forever and ever because this song is so important!