im so thirsty for this drop, that im starting to look for hints everywhere (where there are not) to know the exact moment of release. I'm feeling like John Nash in the Movie "A BEAUTIFUL MIND" where he just decodes random words in the newspaper to see hidden messages. @User12261990 you are giving me schizophrenia. If the drop is not today i'll start with conspiracy theories like some of the others here.
LOADING :)Something is happening for sure. kid Again is not available in Spotify anymore. I'm going crazy
Bellionaires what do you do for a living?Hey, I'm a part time working engineer student in R&D. currently doing research on industry standards for a Tech Company specialized in battery tests. I'm also doing my masters in electrical engineering. I relatively new to the laboral market
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALSI swear to God that the last 6 days feel way worse than last 6 years. When you release the album my body is just gonna collapse.
Donde están los que hablan español??Saludos de un Venezolano en Alemania
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALSWhere is the album release supposed to be published?? I go crazy looking everywhere. Are we getting a notification? Should we be looking here constantly everywhere? Help
When did you discover Jon?I remember i discovered Jon when i used to look for new music on iTunes in the apple store. I would always check the charts and new releases. When i saw the album cover i was quite intrigued so i just started to listen to it and from that day i have been a fan of Jon. HIs is literally (and probably from everyone here) my favorite artist of all time. When i discovered all the projects he has worked in and all the work he has put in it he became some sort of idol to me. To become successful doing the things that make you happy and vibe is a dream come true to me. Thanks @User12261990 for teaching us the way we want to live.
Fan Music ShareI have also been thinking about something like this. I don't make music but sometimes i write down some thoughts and think it could be used for music as lyrics or concepts. Would this be the right place to do it?