@User12261990 honestly, man, I think that how you navigate the creative process (beyond the BTS’s) would be incredibly solid. I’m sure you’re aware that you’re a musical inspiration for a lot of us, and I feel like I’m already seeing so many people just expressing a struggle with starting, hitting a creative wall, or putting their own work into the universe.

What do you want to dive in on -
Jon Bellion… the listener?Maybe we can get a channel for the community to share their stuff?
Favorite Artist?Twenty one pilots quite literally saved my life. They’re also how i discovered Jon!
Hey Jon, some advice?I’m obviously not Jon, but I think this feeling is universal in every creative outlet that exists. Writers, musicians, comedians, painters. One thing I’ve learned as a musician myself is that if I get excited during the process, whether it’s a beat, a melody, or a lyric, then somebody out there will get excited hearing it. Don’t write for anybody but yourself, put it into the universe, and the audience will build after.
The confidence piece comes with just forcing yourself to break down your own inhibitions. Nothing grows in a box.