lol its such a banger dudeeee. idk how long its gone for but man we want it back already lol

So much outrage over Kid Again Lmao I love it -
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@ClapsAut0tun3sDC IM GLAD I LIVE MY LIFE PRE-OCCUPIED
Jon talking about I FEEL ITThats interesting. A lot of people on here wondered like what happened after i feel it. I think everyone expected a new album to follow but didnt.
Hear me outSomething is coming lol, just probably not today
how KID AGAIN removal got me feelinglmfao its very true. now its gone i want it more than ever
Advice from Jon..."never wake up from your dreams" "theyll try to sell you short because their dreams are for sale"
very motivational reminder to never give up or "wake" up from your dreams. for me they may seem far but hearing those songs are always a positive reminder. very helpful reminder too.
Adult swimadult swim is like top 10 no doubt
Beautiful Mind Maroon Hat@N-R-G-B-M theyre such nice hats
God Tier Collab Ideaslowkey could see metro boomin.
Beautiful Mind Maroon Hat@Micah.Jax post it!!
Favorite SeasonI love spring and summer it doesnt get better than warmer weather
BeautifulMind lurkingHaha prolly i wouldnt doubt it
A bit controversial…@manehrdz25 i think so too. the more he says it like the more the listener "wakes up"
How did you discover Jon?@fallingmiraculou It was! I dont like FaZe anymore lol but thankful i found him
A bit controversial…@nysoul4life i hope the original comes back
How did you discover Jon?i found his music from a FaZe outro. bout 10 years later here we are lol.
No More Spotifywe need kid again backkk
NOT AVAILABLEits goneeee. hopefully for something elseeeeeeee
The Case of the Missing Kid Againfingers crossed itll be back
anyone staying up with me?@wintergem hes gonna tell us again that we read too much into things lmfao