@Amariez10585 that is the worse. im bout halfway through my pregnancy but i still get nauseous and throw up.

Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old -
Question for all the FaZe soldiers o7@LIFE Baha I feel you. No lie I hated Nadeshot when he left. Even got myself blocked by him on twitter lmaoo. Still not a fan of him
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Amariez10585 early july!
Question for all the FaZe soldiers o7@GabbyW0205 im a much bigger optic fan tbh. followed them forever. I do love Atlanta FaZe they been killing it these last years.
Question for all the FaZe soldiers o7i was a huge FaZe fan which is actually how I found JB. cant think of much anymore from them off the top of my head but an Jev montage was elite. Used to be a big Rain fan too.
What do you want to dive in on@User12261990 this would be so sick. i have always wanted to hear how everything comes to be straight from you
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Amariez10585 gosh i remember his first concert here in Atlanta was the loft. The loft is the most tiny compact little venue. Horrid knee pain after. Being pregnant now I pray any shows begin after I have my baby but we shall see... Might be 8-9 months preggo pulling up lmfaooo
My Jon, Human Condition storyman i didnt even know this happened! i pray we can get some VIP meet and greets this go round. Would be a dream
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Amariez10585 hi friend
im doing quite well. how are you!!
My drawing of a tattoo I wantthat is absolutely amazing. i love the idea
Game of Numbers until User12261990 replies00000043
Twitter Headerlove these! dope
To My Future Wife…I LOVE THIS!! Been a dream to walk down to this song. Hoping to get married next year and im so doing it.
What do you want to dive in on@lucyhamman i would love that. some of his lyrics im like how tf he think of this lmao
What do you want to dive in on@User12261990 JON im sorry to your beautiful wife LOL ive had the fan account jonbellionswife on insta for YEARS
Beautiful mind tat (you already know:)@User12261990 had to find a pic of mine right quick. here it is fresh when i got it years ago.
Snake@User12261990 I’m so bad at the game lmao we need more opportunities for u to send us stuff
favorite jon lyric/lyrics.SCREW YOUR POPS LETS GET SOME IHOP
What do you want to dive in on@fishfromeurope thank you!!