Jon Bellion Tarot Card -
Inspired by: " 2 Rocking Chairs"@ibrahimflorespr absolutely stunning
This is my ultimate Jon Bellion wallpapers collectioni love love this !!
Where is everyone from?ATLANTA !!
How Did Yall Discover Jon?@NowLetsBegin such an underrated song. so good
What reverb in Cove City?@GSP-Graduate i remember so much ab that night unintentionally
first jb illustrationAbsolutely love this fit. So sick I didnt get to go to this tour. Had tickets and was somewhere else at the time
Simple and Sweet@Joe3822 bro what a great way to describe that song. it really is angelic
Rewards??would be sick to see how that works out, good catch
What would you like to see in a possible "concert / tour"man tbh i would love to see a Kendrick collab. i posted that in an earlier thread and jon upvoted it so he knows we want it LOL. To open for him tbh I have no idea. No one I really listened to like him before. One song from each project would be
RANDOM MIX: One in a billion. Song for you.
Scattered thoughts: The sound of getting over you
Translation through speakers: LIFE, For the dreamers (I CANT PICK ONE)
The Separation: New york soul (Would love to see how he could change this one up live)
The Definition: Carry your throne (I think this live the energy would be unmatched)
The Human Condition: Hand of god (I went to the THC tour so I would love to see more older songs come back)
Glory Sound Prep: Conversations With My Wife (Had tickets to this tour but sadly missed it. Would kill to see this one live) -
Jon should compose the score for an action / adventure video gamethat would be super cool lmao. huge gamer here so i would kill for that. they needa put his music on the GTA 6 radios
Tour city themed merch@Amariez10585 I wanted to go to the jonas brothers so bad!!! but no one would go w me
Beautiful mind tat (you already know:)@OverwhelmMe you absolutely should. my first tattoo ever was my beautiful mind one. I have so many tattoos now but that one is always my favorite
WOOOHOOOO@Pozilix i need em. i hope he re releases a lot of stuff
Tour city themed merchthats a sick idea. would love something like this
KID AGAIN Hoodiethat is bad ass
Drop your Top 5!@BlindFashion haha appreciate fam !
A "Beautiful Mind" tattoo threadHERES MINE!!
Question for all the FaZe soldiers o7@LIFE right lmao. pamaj so goated. def would still watch montages of him