@hcaudill12 possibly for an album version of it we dunno yet

How losing Kid Again feels right now.... -
@user12261990 -Jon we miss u@Zeonder omg is he back
Reminiscing JB liveWatching all my old concert vids. They’re so blurry but they’re all I got lol.
LOADING :)jonnn how close are we now
How losing Kid Again feels right now....we need it back
rip kid againi am not a kid again
Better days aheadyou too
THC Album ArtworkTHC is so special to me it’s so beautiful on all aspects. i need this as a poster.
it’s friday chop chop@Harrison-ryan-0 yesss. this
What is your favorite JB produced song that he isn’t the lead vocalist in?walls by the jonas brothers featuring jon. i absolutely love it
GuillotineCommented on the other post but this is really cool. i love seeing what people create for him on here. if you do more drawings definitely post em cause these are awesome.
Everybody Calm Down! Here.Had me in the first half no lie
🗣️IIIII CANT HAVE U HANGIN AROUNNDDDDD🗣️Wooooo its the weekend. No more work
Jon Bellion Art Collab – Let’s Create Together!@tashhess this is so cool. also you are very talented .
We need the beautiful mind chain!@Isaac valid point indeed
The drama. The intrigue. The mystery.@Agiftandacurse fingers crossed for a re release loll
Trust the process...Ive seen a lot of theories im just vibin. i knew nothin was coming today
3/7/24O.o jon said only trust user12261990 so be weary
Funny Caption Errorreminds me of whoever posted on here saying “mid again” instead of kid again lmfao
LOADING :)@C4 On here jons keeps making posts like this one. like teasing how close he is to being done and what not. so everyone kinda thinks its soon. hoping at least