@Checkitoutbrian I need me some posters!!

Songs that God really speaks to you through :) -
I didn’t know!He’s written a whole lot!!
LOADING :)@OverwhelmMe facts but but at least we showed how dedicated we are
Anyone in here bored? I wish their were group chatsI’m sure it’ll be added eventually. Just gotta be patient
Your guess on the drop date@Crilum If he says something today MAYBE tmr but if hes silent im skeptical
Bellionaires what do you do for a living?@Microgeek aww man thank you so much. this made my week man really. i appreciate this a lot
The Timing of this Post…@Isaac dang dude. straight wisdom from the man
I hope B.Keys has a verse on the new albumYesss it wouldve been killer. But like Isaac said, Jon confirmed all the collabs are brand new that we've never seen
CAN YOU FEEL IT COMING IN THE AIR TONIGHTi don’t know if i feel it anymore
How many of you got to know Jon because of EDEN?@Amariez10585 EDEN is amazing. he is probably my second favorite artist.
Cmon bro spill alreadyrighttty lol
dream collabs@keyboardcat324 Yeah I really liked beautiful now. I think another EDM collab would be awesome.
LOADING :)@Santa right
Jon and his wifeIve always loved conversations with my wife, and this interview really did affirm that. he seems very kind and loving. i hope we see some more of that but like conversations with my son on his next album lol
A bit controversial…@nysoul4life i hope the original comes back
What keeps people from following their dreams?For me my biggest dream in life is to study sharks. and well college has been quite hard for me and i live in the middle of georgia with no oceans. but im not necessarily giving up i just hit pause for now
A bit controversial…@manehrdz25 i think so too. the more he says it like the more the listener "wakes up"
KID AGAIN IS GONE@memedelgadillo that’s how i wish these last years have felt but we’ve felt every long year lmfao
LOADING :)@C4 On here jons keeps making posts like this one. like teasing how close he is to being done and what not. so everyone kinda thinks its soon. hoping at least
Favorite Odd Sounds / Subtleties In Jon Songsi love the clap clap in ungrateful eyes lol