@TheFNGBenJammin lord he needs to do this!! im due with my first son in the summer. would be an insane blessing to have something like that.
What do you want to dive in on24 days ago -
One more time18 days agoHaha! He’s killer w the vocals
Reputation22 days agoi’ve wondered the “fate” of the forum often. but i know when he does come back on here he’s gonna see how crazy it’s popped off lol. that’s a very interesting theory though about the reputation. and i do believe some form of new york soul pt 3 will be in the next album but maybe not named that.
Grandmas9 days agoyes this is correct. i’m very sorry about your loss
Forum Exclusive Perks22 days ago@catkeleghan i could see him creating a limited edition something. like a sticker or even poster. i can see the design in my head. almost like the cove city poster but with us behind our laptops all over the world
Drop your Top 5!25 days agoTHIS IS HARD!
Of absolute all time my top 5 is- Ooh
- The sound of getting over you
- For the dreamers
- Weight of the world
- Conversations with my wife
How do groups work?22 days agoIm guessing within the weeks it will be available. He did say that categories will change so I do wonder maybe this upcoming week it will change and introduce groups? We shall see
Simple and Sweet24 days ago@Joe3822 bro what a great way to describe that song. it really is angelic
What do you think of this Afrobeat remix of Simple and Sweet? 🌚19 days agosick remix
More new the making of's?.👀24 days agoYes !! I always looked forward to these.
KID AGAIN19 days agoi can’t speak for him BUT i know a huge part of the meaning of kid again is because he finally got his ability to write his own songs and release his own songs. so “what happened to your light” is because his light was taken when he couldn’t write/release his own songs. and he is a kid again because he can drop music again.
Favorite Jon-Written/Produced Song? (Outside of his own music)24 days agoghost by another JB lol. Justin bieber
Future Collabs we want to see15 days agoKendrick Lamar
For mothers who are with us physically15 days agoMahs Joint is such an incredibly powerful song. The love he has for his mom and grandma. And then to think of the song "ghost" too... amazing.
Describe how you feel about Jon music using only song lyrics23 days agoYou cant say one word to me, CAUSE I FEEL IT.
Nothing has changed, he is the same!!
PIXAR YOU GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO...[:025 days agoman i think about this ALLLL the time.
What is your favorite making of video?23 days agoWhats your favorite and why!
Fan account24 days agoy’all, pop over to IG and follow my fan account. it is jonbellionswife
I’ve had this account since like 2015-2016. amazing Sara posted about her fan account, so I wanted to post mine out there !! -
Describe how you feel about Jon music using only song lyrics23 days ago@JotchE please dont ask me what my next move is!! cause i just dont know