i never got any of the GSP merch sadly but i’m still excited to see what this brings with the series

GSP Animated Series -
unreleased musiche posts little teasers on his burner account that isaac just shared. make sure to follow it
Fav Acoustics?stupid deep forever
Adult Swimadult swim is top 10 100000%
Underrated JB Podcastsick find
Group chat-what’s your go to song of Jon’s right now?@Isaac jon needs to drop tangled webs or else
Here's one more fun fact about our boyhaha this is a dope find.
hey there user12261990@FrankieFeelsIt NOWWWW
Songs that Jon has worked ontrumpets is suchhhh a jon song lol
I feel like most of us are in our 20s lol ...@Zeonder we know you’re pushing 50
Hand of God Outro A CappellaOmmmgggg i love this woow
PRODLETS GO. i’m ready
Thick Of It AllLORD let him do more songs with alan walker omg
Question@User12261990 period
Jim Morrison misheard lyricsLMFAO imagine
Where is everyone from?@stinky-thomas HEYOOOO ATL