bro cook up some THC ones and post em. i would love to see that

Shoes for Jon-ideas welcome! -
Weekly check innn@elizabethmoravek i wonder if they are all older pictures he’s just kept over the years. i love the ones with his wife, happy to see her so often on there
Mahs Jointprayers for you and your family. im glad that his songs can help you find even a little bit of comfort.
something is happeningIts still on Apple Music for me. I just checked right now. You cant search it but its in my library
My theory: unhinged and starving versioni think the ski lift will go up and down and up and down over and over. till he feels like it LOL
something is happening@User12261990 omg
My theory: unhinged and starving version@Amariez10585 He posted "TOP OF SKI LIFT" and to "HANG TIGHT"
Hand of God Bible Study TONIGHThopping to pop in tonight
What do you think Jon’s favourite song is?Haha knowing him probably none of his own.
How many of you got to know Jon because of EDEN?@OliverBoo i love how many people listen to EDEN its awesome.
How many of you got to know Jon because of EDEN?@Beautifully-Minded you rock
What do u think the next single (song) is going to be called?@jbellionnation HAHA im gone. he gonna be like "wussup welcome to the JB nation"
Group chat-what songs are u listening to right now of Jon’s?@Sherlocker man he can really lay it down. i love when he raps
Favorite Odd Sounds / Subtleties In Jon Songs@its_nat07 LOL exactly
Dear Glasses Wearers…contacts
Dear Glasses Wearers…@Isaac i stopped wearing glasses when i was younger because i slept in them and always broke em lmao
Hey Jon uhh, anytime now.we all waiting lmfao
Are we all just waiting?@mackconnelly8 no we truly have no clue. i don’t really think it’s coming today but it’s all speculation unfortunately
What's your best playlist?My whole library lol