I loved playing it but i’m not a huge fan so i didn’t really understand lol

Group Chat-Pokémon -
Beautiful Mind Maroon Hat@justbesimple it worked out so cool!! and i still have no clue how it ended up like that
Breaking Bread & pasta@Isaac haha man that’s a sick combo
Hoodies?i would love some hoodies
Podcast with Janko@Amariez10585 i think it’s just going to be raw. maybe some angry vibes like in the end of new york soul pt 2. i like his slower songs too i wouldn’t hate one or two in there lol
Bellionaires what do you do for a living?I teach Pre-K haha. Ive seen some crazy looking careers on here, some crazy smart people
Podcast with Janko@Amariez10585 Very possible. Excited to see what’s next
What is "Left Eye Waterfall"?@enzomayworm Haha i believe just tryna be funny. could be wrong
Last track of the album@manehrdz25 I did!!
Weekly check innni can’t wait!
IYKYK:felt lol, my quote was from star wars
Why did kid again have such different cover art from everything else?@User12261990 So the new album will be different from your usual... hehehe
Providence & Second Chances@manehrdz25 Very lovely words from the man. You can always do better, may be hard but you can,
Bellionaires what do you do for a living?@Isaac that’s the way bro that’s sick
Middle Names???@Isaac LMAOO SORRY
What movies are u guys interested in seeing this year that haven’t came out yet?@carlasmada Im skeptical about the minecraft movie but im still gonna watch
What is "Left Eye Waterfall"? -
Where my friends at!?@OverwhelmMe that’s so fun. i love bird watching lol
Podcast with Janko@OverwhelmMe i think so
we need to chat more
cwmw <3@OverwhelmMe yes ma’am. it should be