one. in. a. billion. i would love some older songs. This mega show for real should be a jon bellion eras tour. im here for it

Dream Setlist? -
Hey Jon! heads up!He does. He replied on this forum about it. Smiling sneakily so it means somethin
God Tier Collab Ideaslowkey could see metro boomin.
wondering if...laughing at zeonder definitely
How will you be listeningairpod maxes baby. the noise cancellation is insane
What do you want to dive in on@Amariez10585 HAHA. I’m not, not trying to be either. Just a big fan
My Journey to Jonbeautiful post and some beautiful words.
“Father figure”@user1234 a lot of people are speculating this. i like it
Did anyone else use "To My Future Wife" in their wedding like I did?Ever since I heard this song that has been my dream. My hope is to get married next year and without a doubt will be using to my future wife to walk down to. JON IF YOU SEE THIS CAN YOU PREFORM AT MY WEDDING LOL
Jersey Shore@Amariez10585 he was so bad to my girl sammi. i love her. him not so much
“Father figure”tales of a kid is bad ass
BEST JON BELLION LINE?@Jefferson-M "They'll try to sell you short because their dreams are for sale" adult swim
"Never wake up from your dreams" For the dreamers.
"I'd rather build an oasis sober and thrive at forty" lets begin.
"we're spelling suicide but not by choice" weight of the world. -
My Journey to Jon@acorn You still can be dude!!
How will you be listening@KteriN i feel like ill be emotional regardless. i cried when i heard hand of god for the first time
fan since middle schoolI have been a fan since I was about 13/14 in middle school. i found your music from a outro i think it was old old faze clans. i’ve been a fan ever since. i saw you live at the Loft in Atlanta for the human condition. then in the Coca Cola roxy for part 2. i had tickets for GSP but we ended up being out of state i was so sad. i’ve carried your music with me my whole life now i show everyone i meet your songs. my first ever tattoo at 18 was Beautiful Mind in the same font. i’m now 23 having my first son and man i CANT WAIT for this. he will know all your music and songs man. i hope you see this and i hope you know how much you helped me throughout the years. when i was down i always just played one of your songs. your lyricism and authenticity is something you don’t find anymore nowadays. so i am so ready for a JB come back.
Here’s a pic from the Coca Cola Roxy back in 2017!!!!
any baseball fans....Hugeee braves fan. Since birth lmao
How will you be listening@fallingmiraculou i zone out so bad with airpods lol
Random but..@carlasmada
it really is
Favorite movie?@Isaac NO spoilers. im saving that movie for the summer
appreciationI love this. This is how I feel too. His music really does keep me motivated and movin.