@small1219 that's amazing! well done!! did you know you were so good at snake?!
snake -
snake@AverageJoe457 bruv whuh?! how?!
snakeyall are putting me to shame omg hahaha to be fair it was my first run through on pc. mobile is hard af, half the time i hit a direction and nothing happens lolol
snakejust hit 20, my best so far. i tried doing it on my phone with the first forum and it was not working, pretty pleased with 20 for not having played snake since i had a nokia lol
snakehiya! what's your best snake score?!
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨@elio1 aaayyyyeee!!
How Did Yall Discover Jon?i know i heard beautiful now with zedd but when i first started listening was woke the fuck up. and then i followed him on twitter immedately and he had JUST posted a free download of "the human condition" and that was it. hooked ever since. i went back and listend to all his other stuff and there we were!
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨cincinnati!