@ads0379 man i hate how true this is.
What you guys do for a living?11 days ago -
KID AGAIN IS GONE?!11 days ago@Isaac got hungry and ate it
Kid again11 days agowe don’t really know the reason yet. we’ve been speculating a lot
Kid again11 days ago@Isaac ok sure but can you poop it out already?
Favorite Album/Single cover?11 days agothe Hand of God artwork has so much detail and the colours are so beautiful. Although i could say that about almost any of those artworks from THC. The moving artworks from GSP were cool too, but not as cool as THC in my opinion.
ITS BEEN 6 DAYS11 days agosomehow this 6 days has felt almost as difficult as the 6 years…
Crafted a BM Chain11 days ago@danr cool! thanks
First memory of listening to JB11 days agomy story is very similar, heard All Time Low on the radio and it really stood out to me. When I went home I google "low low low low low low low low" because I didn't know the title and then binged through every song in THC and The Definition.
Songs not a lot of people have heard11 days agoscrolling through this thread and not seeing anything you haven't heard before is a strange feeling... I've run out of content I need something new
MR BELLION... explain!12 days ago@Isaac DEKUPOP DOM DE DEKUPOP DOM
Am I Tweaking??12 days ago@advent oh... yeah thats weird then, no idea why that's happening.
To my Future Wife...12 days agohell yeah man, super cool
Am I Tweaking??12 days agoidk how many versions are on apple music, but i know for sure that on spotify there are several versions, one of which is an old mix where the sound was a lot less "full". You may be listening to the wrong version
Group chat-what’s your go to song of Jon’s right now?12 days ago@advent if I ever get a speeding ticket in my life... Good Things Fall Apart is probably guilty. Something about that song and the gas pedal just work so well together.
Any progress on the pixar dream?12 days agoas Gabby said, i dont think I've heard anything in a long while about that. But every once in a while the thought of it crosses my mind and I'm like "man... I'd watch that movie SO many times if it was scored by Jon"
Group chat-what’s your go to song of Jon’s right now?12 days ago@advent i cant tell you how many times I've been in the car yelling TELL ME WHAT YOU HATE ABOUT ME
Cove City on Youtube12 days ago -
MR BELLION... explain!12 days ago@firefox2004 jon gives us a three word teaser and we fucking RUN with it and don't look back
MR BELLION... explain!12 days ago@Isaac REAL!!! i will skip and frolick in a field with my airpods in blasting the new jams.
MR BELLION... explain!12 days agoholy crap i opened the forum to post this and you beat me by 5 minutes! we really need to touch grass.