@LoveFromDetroit set list; almost exactly the same as the cove city concert

JB Tiny desk -
Thank youwell said!
i've always asked this question...i think an adult swim pt2 is more likely
New York Soul Pt. II OR Adult Swim....... adult swim, but just know it pains me to say it
Exposing my fan account@sarawest i love that account!!!
Lego THC coverwait... this is actually insane! where do i buy?????
kid again master@showumy sounds awesome bro!
My Favorite Bellion song is Sirens@User12261990 brother you could release a folder of a bunch of half-complete songs and we'd eat it up
Hockey Fans - Who is Watching the 4 Nations?CANADA TAKING IT IN THE FINALS !!!!
Tour Stop Wishlist āØ@User12261990 if the show was in New York my best friend and I are already planning to drive down from Toronto, Canada. Just give us opportunity to secure tickets, and we'll be there.
Jon "Moments"a LONG while ago there was some video on youtube (it might have been that beautiful grind documentary) where young Jon said something along the lines of how he wants to create "moments" for people the same way his idols made moments for him. Jon just know that you have successfully created "moments" for me and many others i'm sure.
Tour Stop Wishlist āØ@Flarfles RETWEET
What do you want to dive in on@E-P-H-R-A-I-M I second this! the more detail the better! we love the whole process!
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALSwaiting patiently but excitedly, Jon. Bless us soon