@User12261990 dude sorry what HOW do you not consider yourself a singer when you legitimately have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard??

My coworker said a crazy thing to me today@AmyMarie I’m going to be using this a lot
Hoping to spark some healthy debate…Oranges should be peeled, kiwis however are a different story I literally eat those straight up with the skin and everything like an apple
My coworker said a crazy thing to me todayOn a Friday no less, this guy has the audacity to just casually throw out that he thinks breaded chicken falls into the category of sandwich, like I had any brain waves left to process that AT ALL.
His reasoning is that it technically goes bread-meat-bread which are the proper layers for a sandwich. I think because it’s encased that would at least put it further in calzone territory if anything but I hesitate to say even that.
I need some out of the box thinkers here.
Jonas Brothers Album Backing Vocals@ChaHR Ha love it! There were a few you picked out in there I had never even noticed
Jonas Brothers Album Backing VocalsThis has been an ongoing debate with my friends trying to notice which vocals Jon actually contributed to on the Jonas Brothers album. It’s a fun little Easter egg to try to notice on repeat listens, lol. I’m fairly certain he’s at least:
- random adlib yells “yeah” “come on” etc in miracle
- the “hey now”s in waffle house
- “a-a-a-americana” “you know you wanna” at the end of americana
- “spiritual” and “miracle” in sail away
- “gotta hit that one more time” in celebrate
- the background “champagne ocean, raw emotion” in summer in the hamptons
- then obviously walls as we know
WOOOHOOOO@User12261990 ok I gotta know, what’s the story with Wolverine by Goghi? Found that randomly on Spotify, me and my friend love the song to this day but we were CONVINCED (and sure enough seem to be right) the backing vocals were you… would know that “ey ya” anywhere
What do you want to dive in onCompletely echo what others have said, would looove to see a breakdown of your actual logic sessions and how each track is processed.