I have been a fan for 10 years now. When I first found Jon’s music I was depressed and suicidal. Over achieving in life but never feeling like it was enough. I was struggling with others hypocrisy and even my own and failing to be satisfied. I was struggling with my faith. The first time I heard Human it was the acoustic cover and I sat there and bawled and listened to it over and over. I had never felt so seen and not an oddity or alone. The more I listened the more I felt inspired and free. There’s so much more to how finding Jon’s music changed my life. All I can say is simply. thank you.
If you’re seeing this, I hope to see you live on your next tour. And dead ass, I want your autograph tattooed. As a reminder that I’m never alone and how far I’ve come. See you in the VIP section!
His Music Saved Me