@Zeonder Haha yeah that first one was an attempt at matching Valorant’s style
Thank you!
@Jamesthenerdd Hell yeah dude it was insane
Saw Jon perform in the basketball court of the University of Delaware back in 2019, I think it was like right after his GSP tour finished up? Super lowkey show, I might have been one of the few people in the crowd that wasn't attending the school because I don't think it was advertised pretty much anywhere besides to the students. One of the coolest experiences of my life!
YOoooo! I saw you live at the University of Delaware back in 2019, it was absolutely electric. I just so happened to talk to someone online who went there and knew about it, which is the only way I would have known it was gonna happen. The venue was so small and I was on the floor maybe 15 feet max from the stage, felt like I was a part of some kind of secret haha. Best part was when you were shocked that you were able to hear the dude in the crowd yell "LONG ISLAND BABYYY" through your in-ear monitors LMAO. Coolest and most fun show I've ever been to.
Hey y'all
Here's some old fanarts of Jon I got in the reserves. I'm reuploading cause the posts I made before were probably all sorts of wonky, whoops. If this post turns out just as badly formatted as my other attempts Ima just delete my account
Fun fact: The second artwork got featured on the visionary music group instagram back in the day. One of my proudest moments haha
What’s up y’all!
I figured I’d share an old fanart of mine to celebrate this forum becoming a thing. Hope you rock with it