YES! I really hope we see a full mastered, mixed and arranged version of the song with all these elements from the BTS. Just the chord progression with the high string melody on top is already out of this is world.

KID AGAIN outro -
Every time I run an errand- Jon posts. Where should I go next??you gotta got to the white house, maybe we get a better chance of seeing a single at least!
How do you guys think the new album is gonna sound like?@Pozilix all of his albums are very unique when compared to each other. It's one of Jon's best traits in my opinion, he's not afraid to change and experiment, so everything he does sounds like a separate and different era/chapter of his sound. Even albums with a shorter time gap between them, like Definition and Separation, have a huuuuge sonic gap when compared, so I can't even begin to imagine what this album will sound like. I have no clue, but I bet it will change the way we experience music as a whole!
Do you still cook?On the podcast with Janko, you said that you cook something up everyday on the studio, I was wondering if even when the album is done you still do it everyday or you gave it a break? If you still do it, is it intending to be a Jon Bellion song or an other artist song?
Do you still cook?@User12261990 that is super cool, i'm excited to find out who's gonna be on the album
Why and Middle Ground similaritiesCouple days ago "Middle Ground" (Maroon 5) came up on my Spotify Shuffle. I've been really liking that song but I just realized how similar it is to "Why". I mean, yeah they're both Bellion's songs that goes on the same type of vibe and all that but like... its lil too similar lol, dont you think? Or am i going crazy? Since I realized that, I just can't separate them anymore, kinda like NewYorkSoul pt i & pt ii ha
How we holding up?@notsobasic what up, man! i've been listening to a lot of country blues lately. I really fell in love with that genre, it has been my go to for everything I do while we wait for the drop!
Just found out I'm having Twins@jordanc007 congrats, man!! i have no advices about parenting stuff but I wish yall all the best!
this is so cool@FrankieFeelsIt RIGHT? im so hyped, holy shit