@Zeonder my dude here is spitting the truth! could not agree more with you, I wish more people had more of that open mindset

Here's a fun fact about our boy -
a Jon bullion, get it?dude that pfp is so fire
No more mystery@User12261990 OH MY GOD
Dream Setlist?@Queenmikaykay I always wondered how Mah's Joint would sound live since pretty much all the live versions are different from the original ones, I think the experience would be heavenly
BM Fan Art/Editshit is beautiful, mate! I hope Jon sees this and hop on the sub to see what we've been cookin lately
What do you want to dive in on@User12261990 as a producer and a GIGANTIC fan i really would love to know which VST's, wavetables, synths, plugins, tech tricks you guys normally use to cook things up. In general, I really want to understand how you guys do it from a nerd producer perspective, deep dive on the music theory of the songs, chords choices, instrument choices, breakdowns, vocal melodys, basically everything that transforms the experience sonically. Honestly, you taught me to pour my heart and soul into making music so if I'm having the chance to learn from the master mind behind all of this to make the best and dopest shit I ever could, I NEED to take that chance and I'm sure many other producers on this forum would want the same. I really want to understand every minute detail in the whole process, from the rituals to start a song concept, that really make yourself vulnerable enough to get it all off your chest, all the way to the mixing and mastering physical and tecnical shit. But I dont want it to fall in that thing you mention on Let's Begin about not wanting people know how ya'll make stuff and keeping it all to yourselves or when Volta said on the GSP Doc that there's no need to show people how you do it and why you do it, that the best option is to grow on the shadows. I get that, but your whole mindset combined with the passion and absolute LOVE for the music craft is that got me hanging around for so long and after all these years learning just by observing, carefully listening to your songs and all that, having an actual chance to actively learn about everything is just an absolute BLESSING. You got me into music production, you taught how to do it, you taught me why I should do it, you taught how to fall in love with it; you taught me EVERYTHING, Jon. It's all because of you, and it always has been for me. I'm getting emocional while writing this haha, but I hope you read this and I hope you undertand it how big of a deal this whole thing is for us. We love you man, hope one day I can tell you how much you really mean to me.
A song a day for six years right?sooo... i was thinking the other day, the first line of JT is "a song a day for six years seems like light years away from today" as we all know and during the Janko podcast you said that you meant it literally, a completely different song everyday since GSP. My idea is... since we are the FANS like true loyal fans that stuck around for so so long, what you think about releasing a big google drive folder with all (or some of) your demos? I mean, probably there's a lot that you can't share due copyright and all that stuff. But idk, would be nice! Pretty sure everyone would love that aswell. I might be stepping out of the line here but i'm shooting my shot lmao
This is my ultimate Jon Bellion wallpapers collection@User12261990 THANK YOU!! it's all because of you, brother!
Reputation@kkirby20 bro, i think the lack of Jon's music might be getting to you but i really hope you're right LMAO
Here's a fun fact about our boy@catkeleghan really?? LOL it kinda proves the point that you dont need the most technical stuff to make good music!
This is my ultimate Jon Bellion wallpapers collection@JunaErickson broo, i'd loove to! poster, stickers, phone cases, maybe even clothes merch. I have many ideas but I'm not sure if I can since its all technically Jon's property altho i'd really love to work on some!
Future Collabs we want to see@N-R-G-B-M i'd like to see a collab between Jon and Billie Eilish/Phineas, shit would take a whole new level
What artists do u listen to?@Amariez10585 ITS THE CATARACS
This is my ultimate Jon Bellion wallpapers collection@Isaac thank you, brother! means a lot!!
FAVORITE JB SONG TO SING ALONG TO?@Sam-Keown there's so many but i think NYS pt ii since i spent couple hours trying to memorize the whole thing when i was younger haha
What artists do u listen to?@Amariez10585 NO WAY, BRO; there's noooo wayyy we got dev and the cararacs together again after a whole decade before JB3. The song is so fucking cool, i feel back in the 2010's. Thanks for sharing the info!
A graphic system inspired by KID AGAIN@emnldiaz I made a topic about the kid again hoodie you created, people reeeeally liked it!
How Did Yall Discover Jon?@OverwhelmMe aint no way lmaooo, thats the most unexpected thing i read here
OLDDDD JB Songs@Jay120 oh for real, they are both amazing. There's even a video on yt of Jon performing Seeing Stars on a talent show at his highschool, its so cool
A graphic system inspired by KID AGAIN@kimberly.hampshire oh no, I'm not! haha