yeah, that song is fire! the bounce of those drums get me hooked everytime

Thick Of It All -
Hold Faith@Isaac 40 more minutes
Hold Faith@Isaac i just realized that its actually 12h52, not 12h IM SO SAD... yeah, we're all in the same boat
Unreleased song "Run"that song is fire, but i'm pretty sure he sold it to Josh Dorr
Some real confusing lyricsI mean yeah i have a hard time sometimes when it comes to understanding lyrics just from listening since i’m not a native speaker but DAYUM! What the hell is happening during the chorus of “Could you call me”? Dude I swear, i can’t understand a single word of what jon is singing. Am I the only one?
I wish …@LuvJB85 if mr Bellion doesnt show up by friday MAX, I will honestly and officially flip out
Crafted a BM Chainthat is FIRE, holy shit
Jon, I’m getting sad.@TheAssembler bro got BANNED LMAO, didn't even know it was possible
He's lurking...@catkeleghan OH SHIT, he really was online
Some real confusing lyrics@LuvJB85 hmmm as far as I know, he says "I am just a man who lusts, gives, tries"
Guesses on how many tracks the album is?@Dan-the-Flan 13 is my guess, altho i'd love it to be like 30 or some shit
go listen to "SuperVillianThemeMusic"@kozmikblooz "THIS IS RIDICULOUS RI-DU-DU-DICULOUS"
The "Suffocate" Snippetalso, Jon if you're seeing this, please drop Break These Walls...
The "Suffocate" Snippet@Isaac so hard, its a shame we didn't fully get it
Witness Protection Music Videogreat catch, dude! they really look alike
PROD@User12261990 I'm gonna consider Wonderwall as Break These Walls pt ii so I can rest in peace, Jon
KID AGAIN outro@User12261990 So no KID AGAIN full mixed and arranged version?
Question, how should I listen to the new album@LukeGibson I always thought about that question, what i'll probably do is lock myself on my room on complete darkness and just let the music flow. I want to experience the whole vibe Jon intended to each track so i'm putting myself under the most neutral situation so the only influence i get is the sonic experience itself.
About mah's joint@notsobasic I'm so sorry for your loss, mate. I can't ever begin to process the pain of losing a mother, I hope you're doing ok!