@BeautifulMind ooh def BREAK THESE WALLS, that video ROCKS

What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Music Video? -
What is "Left Eye Waterfall"?Did I miss something? Some guy commented on one of jon's recent photos on that IG acc asking him to drop the "Left Eye Waterfall". Is that something Jon talked about? Did it just went over my head?
Snake score showing on the profileI think would be pretty cool if the highest score on the snake game of each person was shown in their respective profiles
KID AGAIN final mix(this post has been in my drafts for like a week, I was waiting for Jon to hop on the forum but it seems like an appropriate time to post it now)
I completely understand the whole concept of the raw mixing and that whole idea that you don't need to follow any standards, etc (I LOVE it btw). But I gotta say, during the BTS we see so much DOPE SHIT that didn't make into the final mix that really gotta me wanting more. I mean the chord progression itself is abolustely beautiful, that legato high string melody is something out of this world, right at the end of the loop we see you sample the string arrangment on the MPC and turn it the most amazing piece of sound that i've crossed my ears. My take is, I think the KID AGAIN we got works perfectly as a single; its the comeback song after all these years in a wake up vibe, having that revitalizing spirit that Janko talked about but I think the album version would make sense to make it super duper epic having all the strings together as an introduction of whats about to happen! Or am I going crazy?
MR BELLION... explain! -
gathering some info about the track listsince we're very close to something (apparently) i was thinking maybe would be nice to gather all information we have about the track list of the album. We have "KID AGAIN", which I strongly believe is gonna be the intro of the album and different from the single version; "Italian Pharaoh", that Jon leaked a snippet on that IG live; "Horoscope", which we know absolutely nothing about except that it sounds huge and has a Coldplay vibe; "Left Eye Waterfall", which we know even less about but I have a feeling it might be the Iceland joint; we also got an acoustic version of one of the songs from the album, maybe "KID AGAIN" since he teased it a while ago and maybe Father Figure. Altho I really think Father Figure is going to be the album's title, it might just be a joint as well like what happend on Hotel TV and Looking For A Place To Land. That's it, this is everything, right?
New approach@User12261990 would make me feel at least twice as special as im already feeling. Never on my life i'd thought we would get this kinda of interaction with you and the fact that you actually realize how important you are to us and vice-versa, creates a very caring atmosphere of just pure love and passion for the music, which is what really matters on my opinion (since you're already consolidated). Would be a very "yeah, it was DEF worth the wait" momment! (as it already is)
KID AGAIN BackupSince mr. Bellion took down our beloved KID AGAIN God only knows why, here's the backup for ya'll to add to your streaming local files
Hear me outI bet he'll hop on the forum later and give us some info
Jon talking about I FEEL ITIn case some of yall never seen, this is Jon talking about I FEEL IT in dec 2020, during the Cove City concert. Its intriguing to me the way he speaks about it cuz it really seems he was ready to go down a very new and different road of sound chasing. I'm not sure if the label screwed him over or he just changed his mind but I always wondered what the other records he was cooking at the time sounded like.
The Pharrell 4 count signatureit just hit me, since we'll be having the king Pharrell on at least one record on the album, maybe it'll feature that absolute classic 4 count signature on the beggining of the track. Can you imagine it? Would be so dope, i'd start fangirling in a minute LMAO
Help me pick a song to use to teach poetry!hmmm... I'd say Stupid Deep, Mah's joint, Cautionary Tales, Weight of the World, The Internet and Luxury. They all have deeper meanings that are worth deep diving
I’ll probably never stop grievingi know i’m repeating myself but honestly, like really honestly, i can’t accept we will never be able to listen to Break These Walls. Im in denial since Jon said it won’t be on the album. There’s no way i’m the only one who is obsessed with that snippet, right? That shit sounds like if you melted GSP and The Definition down on a pot and served it on a heavenly plate, something like that lol. Jon probably will hate me but i wont give up on it, i’ll keep annoying him. I have to listen to it before i die.
Italian Pharaoh!@JotchE its 100% on the album but I doubt its gonna be a single. Its more driven to like an Adult Swim kinda vibe at my perspective. If I had to bet, the single will be the iceland video which I think its the "Left Eye Waterfall" joint
We've waited 6 years...@KteriN yeah! sometimes i forget about how special he really is and how special we are to him, so i'm sure it's all been so quiet for a reason and I trust him. He really said its coming earlier then expected so its not gonna take much more time
"Looking For A Place To Land"I'm really sorry for repeting myself here but we got an answer about Break These Walls and I thought maybe we could have one for this too. Jon, on 2010 you went on radios to promote a mixtape called Looking For A Place To Land, right? It featured songs like Running Like Animals, Winter Time, Bad for my Health, and many more. From all the 13 songs of the mixtape, we only found 5 of them. Do you still have the whole mixtape on an old hard drive or something like it? If you do, could you share it with us, pretty please?
"Looking For A Place To Land"@Isaac yeeeah, man! there's been a total hunt for the missing song for the past like 5 years. The last found was Moped Girl which is absolutely insane. I'm hopping to get some light shed over this topic by him!
This is my ultimate Jon Bellion wallpapers collection -
LOADING :)@User12261990 SO THIS FRIDAY????
Producers' and Artists' Group@Caillou we made a sub reddit for it! it's r/BeautifulMindInspired, hop on guys