A very talented graphic designer on IG made a concept for a KID AGAIN hoodie and I think it's absolutely beautiful! All credits to: @brandooing on IG

KID AGAIN Hoodie -
This is my ultimate Jon Bellion wallpapers collectionthis is everything Jon related that i've created or modified intending to make a wallpaper out of it, hope you guys like it (more in the replies)
something is happeningKID AGAIN got removed from pretty much all streaming plataforms except Spotify, shit is not even on YT anymore. I'm not sure if it means good or bad news honestly
LA FORTUNA wallpaper!!made these yesterday and posted on the sub but this is the sub now
New songs on Jon's BMI RepertoireBMI is a song registering/publishing tool that enables artists to properly register they work as writters, producers, performers, etc. Every now and then I scroll throught Jon's Repertoire just in case something new pops, that's how we found out about Break These Walls btw. Didn't find nothing crazy but there are somethings that might be interesting to share with yall. First of all, "Paper" (I assume to be that "You're looking like my savior" record) has been registered and aparently it was a collab between Jon and Scott Harris. Another song was registered under Jon's and Scott's publishing ID's called "Pieces Wires Springs". We can't be for sure whose song it actually is since there are no performers registered. Last but not least, we have this song called "Everybody Bleeds" that was written/composed by Tori Kelly, Jon, Clyde, Jordan Cohen and Michael Pollack. I assume these are all like, at least post 2021, I'd say 2023-present maybe due to the writters registered and the fact that these songs are not attributed to the "Songs of a Beautiful Mind" Publishing group, which is the old beautiful mind publishing affiliation. This could mean absolutely nothing but i figured it'd be nice to share with yall to hear the theories.
Beautiful mind hat simulationI was trying something right before the forum went down and thought i'd be nice to share with yall. Made a simulation on how I think the BM hat is gonna turn out
Why did kid again have such different cover art from everything else?i think its because he's a kid again and he can do anything
Here's a fun fact about our boyi'm not sure if at this point this is common knowledge but gotta keep the forum moving. Did you know that Jon's chest tattoo is the sheet music for his first song ever "Hear Me Out"? The thing is at that time he did not know how to read sheet music so he played the song into a software, printed it out and got it tattooed. There's a big chance that Jon still don't know how to read sheet music since he was born with perfect pitch and just play by ear!
Another fun fact about our boyDid you know that Jon met Keyz on the first day of college at the campus cafeteria where a rhyme circle situation was happening? Jon was rapping and singing, Keyz walked in after people told him how he had to check out this white kid killing everybody on the circle. They both listen to each other bars and they both were impressed about it. Jon comes up to Keyz and introduced himself, he said he got a beat and invited Keyz back to his dorm where they cut the final version of "Smooth Movin". Isn't that crazy? Shit all happened in like a 45 minute span
shit is getting criticalwell, its not looking good so far so maybe we should start throwing some promises. Jon, if you drop anything at midnight I promise to never ask you to leak Break These Walls ever again. Buuut If nothing happens i'll be forced to DOUBLE the amount of request for the leak...
12h5212h52 is the endgame, guys! I TRUST MR BELLION
Here's one more fun fact about our boyIf you ever wondered how a collab between Charlie Puth and Jon Bellion would sound like, I bring you the answer. This song was never oficially released, it was produced by Jon and performed by Charlie Puth and B.o.B. This thing rocks, i'm not sure why they didn't go further with it.
The "Suffocate" Snippetyall remember when this happened? There are so many crazy snippets, its sad they never saw the light of the day. It was leaked during the GSP making I think but it really doesnt sound like GSP material.
LA FORTUNA wallpaper!!@djwillreed sure thing! here you go
something is happening@Leao HOPEFULLY
This is my ultimate Jon Bellion wallpapers collection -
Jon and his wifei was thinking the other day, I know that from girlfriend to wife there's a HUUUGE gap but I honestly think is so sweet how Jon talks about his wife. We see on many old records Jon affirming that music is his life and he wouldn't exchange it for nothing. I mean, "Winter Time" is literally about a girl wanting Jon to choose between her and his music. Records like Superman and Eyes to the Sky also touch that subject in that way. But there's this momment on Janko's podcast, George asks Jon what he'd pick if he had to choose between one more year with his wife or music making and Jon doesn't even hesitates to say his wife. I know she is the mother of his kids and all that stuff but its noble, at the very least, that he'd give up the ocupation of his dreams for one more year with her. It's almost rare nowadays to see a healthy and loving couple still thriving after having kids, like really enjoying each other company yknow? Of course we know pretty much nothing about their relationship but the way he speaks about her is so lovely. For me, they're like the ultimate couple goals lol
Hardest bars?!Halloween's gotta be the freakiest song on his entire discography LOL, but i gotta say "I always flex but I've realized it's the divine apointment, I'm the cross between hard work and Jesus annointment" stuck me with every since I first listened to AS!
So we staying up tonight????? -
OASIS SingleMy bet is still on Left Eye Waterfall!