Ever since kid again was removed from Spotify, I've slowly been driven to the brink of insanity. Once a prominent track on my playlist, it left a gaping hole where a jewel once was. My roommate woke me up the other night because he said I was humming a song while I slept. I told him to recreate the humming, and it was KID AGAIN. I often go on Spotify and scroll down to where Kid Again was on my playlist, only to find it GONE. IM LOSING IT. I was talking to my mother on the phone,e and she mentioned the neighbor's new "kid". As soon as I heard that word, my left eye started twitching profusely. It's been too long without a hit. It's been too long since I took a drag of KID AGAIN. Sometimes, I wake up in a cold sweat from a recurring nightmare I have that KID AGAIN was just a figment of my imagination and that it never existed in the first place. Im crashing out guys.
