@User12261990 I also deleted social media from my phone 6 years ago (with a brief "relapse" of Twitter during Covid unfortunately) and it was one of the best decisions I have made.
I found your music in high school with the release of The Human Condition and Glory Sound Prep. Morning in America, Hand of God, and Stupid Deep became instant favorites of mine.
For some reason, I stopped listening for a few years and rediscovered your music when I was in college when my now fiancee mentioned Hand of God to me with the comment "I heard this song and I think you might like it."
That was the end of 2021. Through 2022 I probably listened through The Human Condition album over 100 times. Through 2023 I did the same thing with Glory Sound Prep. Last year, I gained a newfound respect and appreciation for your acoustic sets on spotify. It is obvious you take a lot of pride in your work and that is something I admire
Anyway, you also released Kid Again on our 2 year anniversary which was so random but such a cool thing for us and we both enjoy that song.
I don't know you and all of this seems weird for me to type out on a screen because I try not to get all parasocial and stuff but I am intrigued with this forum and wanted to come in and check it out.