Hi Jon, I’m wondering if you have some quote or motivation you ever stumbled in life wich you never forget and think about a lot or some quote/lesson you made yourself ?
And whats one of your fav lyrics you’ve ever written, like what sentence or short verse ?

Your fav quote & motivation + one you fav lyrics you’ve ever written ? -
My tattoo inspired by Jon’s Blu :) -
Any Jon inspired Tats?I got maybe IDK, maybe that’s Okay & insert something really dope right here ! But in need of more and some figures !
Just come somewhere in Europe !I think for the europe fans, we would love a concert somewhere central or easy to get to in Europe ?! Cause it would be way cheaper then flying to the US.
Big love from Belgium, Jon Bellion Live is up there on my bucket list
Europe Concert ! Please just once minimumPlease just consider coming over at least once and give us europe fans the chance to see you Live !!!! Its the only realistic thing on my bucket list, finally have the chance to see you perform live ! Fan from Belgium here
TattoosMy first two tattoos, many more to come ! Ideas are always welcome, i'm going for patchwork type of covering my arm and leg