@itsmichaelbain that’d be fun!
I know on the Brasstracks Discord we used to a thing called “Track for Track” where once a week we’d all post songs we were working on, and Ivan (the main guy from Brasstracks) as well as people in the discord would give feedback on the songs. It was a GREAT way to talk shop, be it production / mixing skills, arrangement work, or improving the pen game / lyricism of a record.
Then if the song one of us shared was good enough, Ivan would play an unreleased record of his (and he had some true GEMS, there’s one unreleased record he has with Jackson Lundy and Lizzy McAlpine that was so beautiful to hear).
Idk if Jon would ever do something like that because he probably wouldn’t have the time, but it would be fun to do that like that once every couple months if that were something he was down for.