@User12261990 internet scary

a newer jon@crvptozoology soooo good
Any idea how long you'll perform for again?Sorry... Im just worried as a fan who doesnt have a big income and isnt from a country that typically gets visited for tours. I'd love to some day be able to save up and travel to see you live but i cant help but be scared about time running out for me
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?god thats sososo tough. it has changed so much throughout the years but i think right now id have to say lets begin? its just too hard that beat is DISGUSTING
Does Jon still watch anime?@GabbyW0205 if you ever want to give another anime a try though, you should watch naruto.....
Does Jon still watch anime?@GabbyW0205 lol he might jump me for this but ive never watched dbz and dont really plan to whoops. i grew up on anime but just could never get into dbz something about either the art style or silly power scaling just never seemed appealing for me(PERSONALLY..... JON DONT SHOOT)
quick open letter to the italian@GabbyW0205 exactly!!!! his fingerprint is too distinct you know when he's been there.
loving the site design, so nostalgic@GabbyW0205 Aside from browsing reddit this is my first time on a forum! idk how often ill be able to check in, ill probably mostly keep up through jbn on twitter like i usually do lol. But i love the option and opportunity i think its such a great idea.
What do you want to dive in on@User12261990 there*
Was Liar by Camila Cabello inspired by Ocarina of Time@User12261990 LMAO
Where is everyone from?Trinidad and Tobago! in the Caribbean
Does Jon still watch anime?When he gets the time that is, and id love to know what some of his favs are OTHER THAN DBZ.
quick open letter to the italianFINALLY found time to check the forum out for myself, i think this is such a wonderful, unique and personal gift to the fans. Just wanted to quickly share what i've always wanted to tell jon personally had i gotten the chance.
Jon you have always been such an inspiration to me since i discovered you as a young teen and watching your journey and how YOU specifically operate throughout all these years, its hard not to admire someone with such good personal values and principles. Going through your discography and watching it mature through time was something really interesting to study, i think your work has always been incredibly endearing but to watch it refine into just. indisputable masterpieces is awe-spiring. I also really love how distinctive your sound is, even when making work for other artists its so recognizable! I remember hearing rosΓ©'s first solo and instantly RUNNING to see the credits because i was like theres no way this isnt jon. I know you dont need to hear me say it but keep it up, there is truly no artist like you out there. -
loving the site design, so nostalgicnot sure if this is the correct section for this post, but