full time student! majoring in exercise science

What you guys do for a living? -
Jon Bellion Essay Follow-up@Zeonder The three we will tie back to are, "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" "Crazy Like Us" and "Lissa"
Jon Bellion Essay Follow-up@FrankieFeelsIt we cite ALL of our sources MLA style in this house
Jon Bellion Essay Follow-up@its_nat07 thank you diva
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essayI have an updated thread in the "Breaking Bread" forum! Thank you all!!
Jon Bellion Essay Follow-upThank you to everyone who gave me suggestions on my paper! Here is my ROUGH outline for anyone who wants to look at it/clarify anything that is blatantly wrong. The paper is majority my opinion and then tying it back to books we read in class, so the sources don't have to be super formal! Jon Bellion Essay Outline is linked here.
i'm sorry but....I hope you feel better soon pookie
OTHER ARTISTS LIKE JON BELLION?@izzie Name twin! Mine is spelled with a Y though
OTHER ARTISTS LIKE JON BELLION?@Isaac Awesome! LOVE Max, not the biggest fan of AJR, and haven't heard the others. Thank you!
OTHER ARTISTS LIKE JON BELLION?Does anyone have any recs for artists like Jon Bellion? Someone else who I like that is semi-close to Jon Bellion but still feels different is Quinn XCII. I need more techno-alternative-soulful music! Thank you and have a blessed day !!
Who loves Jon?I found him in 2017ish from the "All Time Low" trend on musical.ly. Was always embarrassed to have that app, but here we are! No regrets. Pretty sure this music has changed my brain chemistry
Definitive Top 10 List of Best Jon Bellion SongsI agree with a LOT of these, but Carry Your Throne is slept on and we need to wake up. It is at LEAST top 15
Ditching Spotify for an iPod.Facebook marketplace is GOATED, you may have to scout but i'd look at that first!
Status on discontinuing this platformHI THE TITLE IS CLICKBAIT HEAR ME OUT HEHE
Even when all the music drops and all is said and done, please DON'T discontinue this platform. This is such an awesome, non-toxic, beautiful space for likeminded people to just positively interact about a common subject. The world is so messy and bad right now and this has been such a nice safe space. Okay bye love you guys :333 -
LOADING :)@User12261990 i'm being so brave and patient are you proud mr bellion sir
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essay@CasperAaron Nice point, thanks for your feedback!
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essay@Jrosario66 I'd love to read it, even just for leisure! feel free to email it to isabellefonte@icloud.com . I could maybe do songs from both albums, but I have an 8-10 page limit, and I feel I could easily exceed that if I were to do both albums. I tend to rant when I write, so I was hoping to pinpoint an album, or a specific topic thats less broad than just "Culture" covered in his music. Thanks so much for your feedback!! :))
KID AGAIN hoodie conceptokay so when do these hit the market??
Two Car GarageNever have, going to listen to it tonight! I haven't dug into a lot of his "unreleased" music/demos :))
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essay@Amariez10585 Thank you! Mah's join could be a 8-10 page essay alone haha, his music is just such deep but poetic commentary