@advent I think it was David Dobrik, he used some of Jon's music wayy back

How Did Yall Discover Jon? -
Where is everyone from?Alberta, Canada!
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨I'll definitely be attending the one show no matter where in the world it is; I've never had a chance to see Jon on stage. I'm from Edmonton Alberta, Canada, and it'd be absolutely fantastic to have a show close to home for me and my brothers to experience Jon for the first time live!
BEST JON BELLION LINE?Idk man "Verbal trigger like you should never play around with guns" goes hard XD (NYS Pt 2)
Feedback on my Beat!Idk if it's just my headphones being too bassy but it'd be cool to incorporate more of the female vocals, maybe turn them up or something, I LOVE how they're chopped up with the beat I just wish I could hear them better/more prominent
Either way it's a fantastic beat brotha keep up the good work
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALS@crfigueroa2005 broooooooo facts