I personally love listening to instrumentals of different songs whenever I'm studying or doing anything productive, because it's very fun to listen to songs without getting distracted by the lyrics. Wondering if Jon will upload the instrumentals or make them available for purchase at all for this new project? Wouldn't even mind paying a price to be able to listen to them... Jon's beats, especially because of the people he works with, are always so fun
new album instrumentals? -
Opinion on demos showing up online?Really interested on what Jon's opinion is whenever some of his demos show up on the internet somehow??? I've seen artists get very protective over their work and rightfully upset, meanwhile I've also heard producers like Ian Kirkpatrick don't necessarily mind (at least when it comes to stems leaking) as they always want to help and inspire others. Curious on where @User12261990 falls on this issue???
Hockey Fans - Who is Watching the 4 Nations?Crosby fan, since I'm from Pittsburgh, so it's hard on who to root for! Love this format though, and the NHL gotta keep this going instead of the All-Star games