@GabbyW0205 hahaha yes! Mr. Hemsworth in the flesh is in the group yall can’t miss this!
Listening Party/Jam Sessions-Discord -
Listening Party/Jam Sessions-DiscordHello everyone! I had this crazy idea to make a new discord where we can have ONLY a voice chat channel where I have an app playing Jon Bellion music and somewhere we can essentially all share a carpool karaoke in a sense where you can tune in on your drive to work, just bored at home, etc. we can all have a fan concert within ourselves listening to our obviously amazing voices. I stress that I’d envision it being only VC bc I don’t want to step on this forums purpose. We should all hold our chats here since Jon blessed us with it. I’d want it to only be a place to go sing with other fans alike but can def use feedback. Got a few of our lovely people from here in it already. Thanks! Join through this link if interested. Hope to sing with you all later.
https://discord.gg/Kppa2zfB -
Discord groupAdd me yalls “penguindaniel.”
First Time Listen@OverwhelmMe try this link actually Add me as a friend on Discord! Invite expires in 1 week: https://discord.gg/juD3fZup
First Time Listen@OverwhelmMe are you reading the correct area?! the one underneath is the shared name. Or you can double check manually in your settings IMG_3866.jpeg
First Time Listen@OverwhelmMe this user didn’t work for me? Try adding mine! “penguindaniel.”
First Time Listen@GabbyW0205 sent you a request! Let’s do a test run if you’re down rn!
First Time Listen@GabbyW0205 @catkeleghan @OverwhelmMe YOOO I may have done a thing. If you guys want to help me do a test run, send me your discord usernames so I can add you as a friend. If you don’t have one and are curious make one and do the same! Bring your voices plz! My user is “penguindaniel.” If you have it and want to add me quicker. Thanks in advance!
First Time Listen@catkeleghan @GabbyW0205 @OverwhelmMe hahaha let’s gooo virtual fan concert/singalong?? I need everyone to join my singing on my hour commute to work/home. I used to use discord with the Vibr bot for this but they deactivated it
you could sit in chat and play music in the same room
First Time Listen@Zeonder hahaha omg glad you were at least aware of the channel shit had me dying in disbelief that these are real people. Ig haters gonna hate but this music will keep blessing us
First Time Listen@catkeleghan hahaha nothing cringey about it! Loving it so far
First Time Listen@Zeonder @catkeleghan i seen the most toxic reaction ever yesterday lmaooo look up Jon Bellion GSP reaction by Brad Taste In Music or something like that lol
First Time Listen@catkeleghan drop them linksssss
First Time Listen@Amariez10585 bro I been BLASSSTIN 1990 like crazy and the Joe Bro “reference tracks”
First Time ListenAnyone else here been living off the high of watching other YouTube react channels experience Jon Bellion music for the first time since we can’t do it ourselves no matter how hard one tries? No? Just me? Oops.
Live at Cove City poster@OverwhelmMe mine is still fresh in the tube over the past however many years since cove city
let me know if anyone has any good frame recommendations
Jon Bellion Vinyl Collection@GabbyW0205 right! I got these before I ever even bought my record player which I only got bc of spontaneous goodwill visits hahaha. They are so pretty I want to frame the covers and put em up in my game room soon!
Jon Bellion Vinyl Collection@Zeonder she knows we serious about this in this house
she only fuels my obsession (25/7) having been the one who bought us tickets to GSP Chicago 2019 and also got me the GSP blue vinyl for Christmas 2020 I think. She shouldn’t be surprised.
How this forum has us feeling...@catkeleghan hahaha I found it
Jon Bellion Vinyl Collection@Zeonder hahaha you have no clue how bad mine is stuck in blunt mode. You should ask my wife how pale my face turned when I checked if it was ok after our recent home move (yes that was a real first thought after purchasing and moving to a new home lol). I shook it and stuck my fingers on the sides to try to pull it out but felt nothing and had to flash a light to see if there. She said it looked like someone just told me someone passed away. I have kept it untouched since received hoping to one day find a beautiful enough frame for it.