@BeautifulMind It is bulking season after all am i right? XD

Gym Routine to look like Jon? -
BTS Vids on New Album? -
Gym Routine to look like Jon?@User12261990 I love working out and was wondering what your routine is to be able to get shredded and look great!
Super Bellion World!@Tiago25 Bruhhh im dead XD I would love to hear the story of how and why this edit came about XDD
Mix and Master Portraits@Zeonder I agree the first shot looks dope. the other two are cool too but maybe following a pattern or something more organic like the first might make them look a bit better. Keep it up though take this with like a grain of salt.
Concert Shots@catkeleghan Yooo these are some sick shots!! how was the experience of getting the pass!?
BTS Vids on New Album?Could we see some behind the scenes on the new album coming up? Sorta like the way that the youtube series you had going on prior?
Unreleased SongHey Jon I have a quick question, I absolutely love all your music and remember so much having the song "Woodstock" on repeat however, why did you never actually release the song "Woodstock"? That is literally one of my favorite songs. Just curious why that banger was never uploaded on like apple music.
MERCH CHECK IN@Jrosario66 Dang bro how are yours still in good condition mine already got a hole in them ;-;