I love your style so much! Nice work!

Some fanart from a while back.. -
Some Old WorksWhen I was 17-19 and truly in the depths of loving beautiful mind I drew Jon and co. a TON. As you can expect a lot of the early stuff isn’t great but here’s some of those pieces I can stand sharing. Personal faves are the last two haha
Exposing my fan accountomggg yes!! been following that account for years! i remember seeing your pics from gsp tour!
Dream festival to see Jon at..i was supposed to see him at forecastle in 2020, rip
i did get to see him at a festival in 2017 and it was so cool! it was just his vocals, the mpc, and the live instrumentation of the band. his tracks weren’t working but they still put on an amazing show! i’d love for him to do another festival again honestly
I feel like a boomer navigating this site but I really love this! :)late night tweet delete crew…. haven’t thought of that in years….. no but seriously! it’s so nice to have a place just for us if that makes sense. glad we all can be emo together :’)
hypothetical re-releasei’ve always wondered this for the artists i’ve followed. if you could take one song out of your current discography and re-release it as a collaboration, what song would it be and with whom? it doesn’t have to be a vocal one either!
and if you’re not jon feel free to answer this too haha
Album length@jaxophone yknow what hell yeah
midwest/michigan/detroit/ohio based BM folks?i first saw him at the now defunct bunbury festival in cincy in 2017! the setting wasn’t ideal (i was super far back), and the backing tracks/screens weren’t working. despite those things they put on an incredible show! after that it was thc pt 3 in indianapolis, and gsp again in cincy. I couldn’t go to many dates back then but I wanted to so bad. summer in the city and thc pt 2 in columbus haunt me to this day lmao
JON PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW@jbellionnation omg cmonnn jbn
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?has to be 80’s films. it just shoots me back to when i first heard it. sonically it’s probably my favorite song of all time, really. i feel so blessed to have heard it live twice!
collection dump!@victoriahillyer hey!!
Cincinnati!! -
This is BM social mediaI discovered your music through an old coworker of mine in 2016. I believe the first song I heard was either While You Count Sheep or Timeless, late at night while we closed up shop. It was the summertime, during the promo single era releases for THC. Every time I hear 80’s films I’m reminded of the clock hitting midnight and it hitting my ears for the first time as a teen. From that moment I was hooked. I watched every interview and BTS doc I could. You inspired me in many ways and are the soundtrack to very formative years.
Couldn’t go to any pt 1 or 2 dates on the THC tour, but I finally got to see you at a festival just before the victory lap tour was announced. I could barely see the stage and the backing tracks/instrumentals weren’t working for your set, but it was still the best day of my life. Partly because the band held it down as always! Later on I got to go to THC pt 3 and a GSP date. Truly some of the best concerts I’ve ever been to (and I go to a lot of them haha).
Through the years I’ve made really incredible friendships due to your music and now I am excited at the prospect of seeing you live with some of those people. Beautiful mind really changed my life and in a weird way I can’t thank you enough. Above all I’m glad you’ve decided to return to your own music on YOUR TERMS.
collection dump!what merch do you have, if any? it can be music, apparel, prints, etc! If it’s jon related post it here