@joelito omg i’ve been dying for him to put it on spotify for 5 years.. i have to listen to it on soundcloud

Cove City Virtual Concert On Spotify -
MORE UPVOTESlmao yesss i was gonna make the same post
Spotify Sessions@Stang8 same !! love that one
Never before seen pictures… because we took themNYC 10/24/19
Where did Jon go?!some people on here probably scared him away lmao
Dream@catkeleghan lmaoooo me.. literally dreamed he was on here replying to people in the middle of the night, like are we okay ???
Video of me rapping with Jonomg my sister rapped NY Soul part 2 for him too at a small show in nyc in 2019 but he did not help her out at all lmaooo she yelled at him to sing it and he was basically like no you first
LOADING :)@User12261990 AHHHHHHHHHH (friday plz it’s my bday)
Jersey Shorelmaoooo i love jersey shore ! i’m actually going to meet Snooki tomorrow
Video of me rapping with Jon@its_nat07 haha amazing ! hii !!
LNDTC 🧦 wya?real ones remember 🧦🧦
any baseball fans....also yankees til i die🫡
WHERE CAN I FIND THIS VIDEO???check tori’s instagram and tiktok, she might have snippets of it !
Twitter and Instagram Activitylmao he heard you
GOOD TV SHOWS RNAbbott Elementary is my favorite show at the moment literally has me laughing out loud constantly
The answers to your questions -
Familiar or any Collabs?@User12261990 omg i can’t wait
Interviews@BeautifulMind pleaseeeee we need this
Interviewsthe basement yard plzzzz
Imma Snaaakei gave up at 9 lmao doing it on the phone is so annoying