It was June 29, 2019–Houston TX. Husband and I left the kids with my parents, unknowingly about to experience the most engaging, impressive, and authentic music experience of our lives.
The venue was smaller, but that was a nice change. It felt so intimate, so passionate, so meaningful to be surrounded by these people who shared a love for good music.
I’ve never been so absolutely captured and immersed in a performance. So unified with a crowd. The gratitude and humility from Jon on stage was unmistakable.
Ever since that night, we’ve talked about how whenever we get the chance, we’ll do whatever it takes to see Jon again live. Every concert we’ve been to since is compared to this one experience, and nothing has lived up to it.
Can’t wait, Jon. Thanks so much for this community, this music, and these memories. We’re going to do everything we can to try to be there for your return! !
The vibes were immaculate