Met Jon back in 2016 after his Boston show for Human Condition Tour. House of blues. Got a VIP pass and talked with Tour Manager. Told him I had a pair of Lebron Solider 10s all white and gold(IYKYK), knew he liked the shoe. Was told after the show Jon wanted to speak with me I thought I was gonna die the whole show. Def fan boyed way too hard, met Jon, the rest of the guys, brought me and my brother on the bus and we traded shoes signed them and everything. Dude was too nice for how much me and my brother were freaking. Spoke to me like a real down to earth friend. Never forget moment. Pics below.
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BeautifulMind 11'sMet Jon back in 2016 after his Boston show for Human Condition Tour. House of blues, I was young and cringy and waited for 12 hours plus to get front row. Got a VIP pass and talked with his manager (thinking back on it probably just his freind) Rob V. Told him I had a pair of Lebron Solider 10s all white and gold(IYKYK). Rob said after the show Jon wanted to speak with me I thought I was gonna die the whole show. Def fan boyed way too hard, met Jon, the rest of the guys, brought me and my brother on the bus and we traded shoes. Dude was too nice for how much me and my brother were freaking. Spoke to me like a real down to earth friend. Never forget moment. Pics below. *Shoes and the NY show he was wearing the shoes before Boston show.