This is probably more realistic to what I would do.

Brice Wormington
Anybody got special plans for when the album drops? -
Anybody got special plans for when the album drops?@yeah123
That sounds nice. I don’t know anyone irl who’s into JB so my friends are going to be here to hangout and hype me up lol. -
New approach@User12261990
I can't find a reason to say no. -
Anybody got special plans for when the album drops?I was thinking of getting my friends together and have a listening party. Might even upgrade my party speaker setup before then.
How Did Yall Discover Jon?It was around the release of GSP. I was just going through a Spotify playlist and found All Time Low. Listened to it for about a week then moved on. About a year later I was trying to find more music to listen to. I was sitting thinking “What was that song that went “deku bop dem dem”” then I re discovered Jon Bellion.
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨Denver CO. If Jon doesn’t hit every state, I would hope he would do a show in Denver considering it’s right smack in the middle. Plus I’m biased.
Favorite Album/Single cover?I would go with GSP. I like the colors and the building itself is such a cool design.
Drawing every Album CoverI feel like it would be more likely he would react to the drawings themselves. Plus you’ll be sharing some sweet artwork for us to see.
Apple Music vs SpotifyI use Tidal for the sound quality. I think it lacks in some parts but I don’t mind too much.
WOOOHOOOOIf you do tour, is there a possibility of a show in Colorado? Would love to see you live for the 1st time. If not, I’ll be down to travel.