@Microgeek oh wow!! Some of these I hadn’t heard of at all, will have to suss! Especially keen on afrobeats so thank you for the recs returning with nobigdyl, Sondae, Limoblaze and of course Lecrae (and Ron Kenoly/Paul Wilbur for my OG recs)
What artists do u listen to? -
What artists do u listen to?@Microgeek would love to know who you’ve got in rotation Christian-artist wise! I got into indie tribe lately and am still hunting.
Dream: BM Super Bowl Halftime ShowGang!! Dinner table chat - let’s say there’s a parallel universe where Jon was offered and accepted to do the Halftime performance - what do we think that would look like? All fun and games.
I reckon there’d be big Beautiful Mind presence/features - guy is so well connected though that guests could be anyone!!