@User12261990 i just wanna thank you for being a genuine human being. i truly appreciate this forum and will forever do my best to keep the peace in whatever way i can. you hold a special place in my heart jon because my little brother and i would and still do listen to you and dance around our living room.
i’ve been to one of your shows i believe back in 2018 in indianapolis in the egyptian room (i believe that’s what’s it’s called) !!! it was a birthday gift from a good friend at the time. she had these sparkly vip tickets so we were on this platform the whole time and could see you oh so clearly!!! i’m a short girl so being up higher than everyone else was pretty cool! another little story of that night was even tho we had vip tickets we still wanted to ~try~ and get closer but this big tall(6ft) man named chad wasn’t too happy about a (5ft) girly stepping in front of him so we had to go back to our spot. now i know that probably wasn’t the nicest thing to do, we had our spots we should be happy to have them right? and i totally was that minor moment did not ruin the night but can you blame a girl for trying to see her favorite artist up close?
anyways thank you for everything jon you’re the true beautiful mind🩷