@krunko It truly is one of the coolest thing Jon and the team does apart from other artist. Makes us feel like we are in the kitchen while our meal is being cooked

More new the making of's?.👀 -
What merch do yall own?@GabbyW0205 sameeeeeeeee
This is BM social media@User12261990 The night GSP came out it was snowing like crazy near me. For some reason I had this feeling that I just needed to sit alone outside in the snow with headphones on and just experience it. It was one of the most centering moments in my life and nothing has ever come close to that. Truly a magical moment.
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALS@MusikByNiko One of my most watched YouTube videos. Next to the live and cove city concert
WOOOHOOOO@User12261990 You always know when to come back! Have you ever thought about doing an entire acoustic album / EP??
Weekly Positivity Check-in #1!It's been a chill week. About to get super busy at work but it's not "work" when you love what you do right? lol def gonna be bumping some THC this week!
Drop your Top 5!@GabbyW0205 FOR THE DREAMERS GANG RISE UP
What would be your walk up song?Morning in America full send
What would you like to see in a possible "concert / tour"@Isaac Getting somone local seems right up Jons ally and his vibe overall. Would be wild to see!
Drop your Top 5!@JunaErickson Simple & Sweet is underrated, I need to revisit it more
What would be your walk up song?@Dragus12 Im buzzing just THINKING about walking up to it
Other favorite artists@jmckinney4123 Playlist is on the album I reced. If you play it from start to finish it's designed like as if you were listening to a live raido station with a "DJ" or "voice announcer" talking in between every other song or so. Super cool concept of an album. If you like that then I'd rec "Sunset Diner" Sorta sotryline like 94.3 but a little more lose and less stuff in between songs!
Finding Fans #3 - Chicago@meh.mp3 Chi gang rise upppp
What do you do?Would love to know what kinda work you do as you jam out to JB! I work in the live theatre / entertainment industry what about you all? Do you get to listen to Jon at work, or is it more of an off the clock vibe for you?
Take us back, to a placeI'd love to know how you all discovered JB! Did a friend rec him to you? Did you stumble across it one day and get hooked? What was the song? What about JB made you keep wanting more and stick around as a fan?
For me, personally, a friend recommended him to me right after we graduated HS and I was going through a rough time in my life. He sent me the song "80's Film" only because he referenced Back to the future AND I was always the friend driving everyone around lol. Since then I've been hooked and funnily enough JB ALWAYS comes back or drops something new every single time I am in a rough patch in life. Idk how he does it lol but he definitely has one beautiful mind
Only a small handful of people I know irl know JB and listen so it's kinda cool to have a place like this to meet others!