@User12261990 not a bad idea considering you have serious followers already committed to spreading the word who would volunteer via forum and email to hype the release. Probably wouldn’t lose any numbers on sales either since die hard fans are going to purchase the album and/or tour tickets even if they get the music ahead of time. I don’t see many down sides, just takes some faith in the fanbase to commit to it!
New approach -
Allusions to Home AloneIs this a stretch, or is there an Easter egg somewhere behind Jon’s references to Home Alone? “Ya Filthy Animals” is a reference to the movie that Kevin watches and plays back to scare away the pizza delivery guy and the villains of the movie. The title of that movie is “Angels with Filthy Souls.” This website also includes a classic “Snake” game for what seems to be no reason at all. The name of the character that is shot by the gangster boss in the film-within-the-film is named Snake and the game on this site has red and green icons on the screen which may allude to Christmas. Jon was born the same year that the movie was released, in 1990. Trying to tie together anything that this could mean , or be told that I’m just so desperate for any hint of what’s coming that I’ve lost my mind.
EVERYTHINGJon promised “clues and hints and early access to EVERYTHING”
What are the odds of “EVERYTHING” being the title of the album about to drop?