I first saw Jon at Firefly Festival in Dover, Delaware. I want to say it was 2015? I had never heard his music until right before the festival when I was trying to learn the artists more.
I have a love for songwriting but had stopped writing because lyricism in the industry felt ingenuine and I honestly didn’t feel like there was a space for me in. Then I saw JB perform Pre-Occupied to a crowd of mollied up rich white kids (no judgement to them, ya girl made her share of memories too lol)
Seeing an artist clear a path for himself through the insincere thicket of a copy/paste musicians was thrilling and inspiring. I picked music back up and while I never pursued it as a career, it’s been my safe space all these years to express myself.
Thank you for reminding a (then) 19 year old chick that music can be, HAS to be, whatever we need it to be, and that the right people will always listen. Please come back to the wild so we can stop looking like crazy gremlin fans constantly over explaining your writing credits to our friends at dinner and prophesizing your return.