Kid Again was so dope...

BM Collaborative Idea Board:many of us appreciate your work because we ourselves respect the craft of making music and see your respect for it as well, it would be dope to find a way to collaborate and incorporate that here.
There are no bad ideas, so i'd love to see all of BM comment some ideas.
I want to leave this open ended so i'll start with this:
( Beautiful Mind Sample Bank )
- Jon shares a song idea and concept, and our creatives contribute by creating samples / stems / ideas / artworks / visuals or anything that fit the concept and can be utilized by jon.
Drop your Top 5!Favourites From Each Album:
(Glory Sound Prep)
Conversations With My Wife & Stupid Deep.(The Human Condition)
Guillotine & Hand Of God - The way this wraps up and incorporates the whole album is phenomenal(The Definition)
Pre-Occupied & Human(The Seperation)
Jim Morrison & Superman, The Gift & The Curse(Translation through Speakers)
While you count sheep & The Wonder Years