@AmyMarie Ayy I appreciate it haha <3, that's what I was going for xD.
I tried my best to match the vibe/aesthetic of this site with the whole win95 style :).
@AmyMarie Ayy I appreciate it haha <3, that's what I was going for xD.
I tried my best to match the vibe/aesthetic of this site with the whole win95 style :).
New album releasing in march, cracked the code for y'all
@User12261990 Down for trying any new approaches : )
Just curious how it'd work tho: Like would it be posted on a special link/section of the website, or a download file, or a new thread etc.
Looking forward to experiencing the direction you choose to take
@User12261990 looking forward to it :^)
@Zeonder I will neither confirm nor deny that... nor will I answer if I could hear the birds outside my window...
@Zeonder Ima just say it was around 4am and I was tryna procrastinate on my studying... sooo a while...
@LIFE hahaha I don't mind you tagging me at all bro, I love the random notifications xD
@AverageJoe457 Yeah the movement is NOT smooth at all and it gave me a lot of trouble as well.
A tip I found useful was to turn a brief moment/a block earlier than when you expect to, you'll find that you'll run into walls less this way.
Additionally, depending on your keyboard, you wanna get a feel for the responsiveness of the keys- like do you need to tap and let go asap or is it fine to hold the key down etc. ESPECIALLY when making double turns- cuz I noticed sometimes the 2nd turn/key would not get registered properly.
It's kinda difficult to describe it with words so I hope I got the points across well enough haha
@LIFE haha thanks man xD
@Santi9924 So far I've gotten a 852, you can check it out here: Thread Link
Here is a SS, a picture, and a video of my highest score so far- so you know I didn't Photoshop it
For anyone else trying to climb this far, be warned as there's a lot of aimless wandering trying to figure out where the food block spawned :/. (It doesn't spawn on top of the snake, it spawns underneath it and gets blocked from view)
but lmao the thought of Jon opening cases up is hilarious
@FLYEAGLESFLY yeahh I getchu. I tried CS2 pretty late but it feels "off" like idk how to explain it- like spraying feels subtly different now.
But it def looks nicer and brighter plus when you see old CSGO smokes you realize how dated they were lol.
Currently on Snake tryna get a highscore xD
other than that, CS2 with the homies
Been a fan of the competitive side and used to do 10mans and climb up the ranks too. Now I just play it casually.